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On segmentation and differentiation: The very first brand

Segmentation and differentiation are perhaps the most powerful weapons in the marketing arsenal. Yet they are also the least understood. Why? Because way too often marketers do not understand customers. They can talk products, but features don’t make products different. This article aims to shed some light on how to create solutions that are really desirable …

Anatomy of an advertising strategy

Creating an advertising strategy that delivers what it promises is a long process built on coherence. First off you need the magic ingredient that makes your product truly different and better. Then you think profit. And only then comes the advertising and copy strategy. Keep reading. Using a real case from a giant brand that …

How to create a marketing strategy that delivers what it promises

Marketing is about creating and executing strategies, and there are several, connected strategies in a strategic plan. The marketing strategy helps make sense of all the strands of a brand’s strategic plan, but it is also the strategy many marketers (and instructors) struggle with. In this article, we discuss two real-life marketing strategies – one …

From information to insights to strategic thinking

On insight discovery – Recently I spoke with a Brand Director about how to find market space he can win and defend in the long run. The discussion shifted on the meaning of information and insights and, after an interesting debate on what’s insight at all[1], we found agreement by means of an example, which …

How to evolve into an analytical company

Chances are your company isn’t ready to profit from the alluring promises of data analytics. You need to learn how to make and test hypotheses at scale before you can earn the title of Analytical Company. Read further. I am going to tell you how to develop analytical skills to move your business ahead. A …

Brexit: Why Projections Were Wrong

Shame on YouGov! Did their market research survey really miss the outcome of the Brexit consultation? Not quite. If you hit your finger while hammering a nail into the wall, do not blame the hammer. The media circuit is responsible for having broadcasted inaccurate information. I must confirm that I am in no way linked …

How to measure customer satisfaction correctly

Interest in the concept of measuring customer satisfaction is growing. More and more companies want to know how satisfied their customers are. At the same time an increasing number of decision-makers are realizing that measuring overall satisfaction alone isn’t enough. They want to know how much overall satisfaction increases when the satisfaction with a given …

Satisfaction survey design

Satisfaction surveys monitor the level of satisfaction of customers, employees, or other group of people concerning selected activities executed by a company, brand or other entity. Trying to relate satisfaction to sales levels, market share, brand loyalty or other metric is wrong because these measures result from the nested effect of way more variables than …

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