Survey analysis with LogRatio in a nutshell

LogRatio online software simplifies the process of analyzing survey data.

In a few clicks LogRatio transforms respondents’ answers to survey questions into a professional report like a top-tier market research agency. Just faster, cheaper, and better.

It works this way:

      You conduct a survey, for instance with SurveyMonkey or any other data gathering tool.
      When all interviews are in, export the data to an Excel file.
      Upload that file to LogRatio, answer a few questions, and hit “Start LogRatio”.
      In a few minutes LogRatio creates two files:

      • An Excel file containing professional cross tables, sample size analysis, descriptive statistics, and all the numbers you need for a professional analysis of your survey.
      • A PDF file containing the interpretation of the survey results written in plain English.

Doing this all by hand could take days to an expert market research analyst.

LogRatio produces better survey reports

With LogRatio you do not need to worry about how to analyze your survey data, which tests to perform, how to make a cluster analysis, how to evaluate the sample size, how to interpret results, or anything else. LogRatio shows you everything that is relevant, and you decide what to keep or not.

LogRatio turns the typical approach to surveys analysis upside-down.

  • From: Do some analyses by hand (in days).
  • To: Get everything (in minutes), just use what you need.
  • First Steps: User Registration
  • Analyzing surveys with LogRatio
  • Understanding the LogRatio Survey Interpretation Report

Published by Global Analytics Systems

at Global Analytics Systems